“I have been seeing Larissa for 2 Years for Naturopathic support after an initial diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), amenorrhea and insulin resistance, in conjunction with an Endocrinologist and Gynaecologist.

With her guidance, I was able to make and maintain dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as the use appropriate supplementation.

This allowed me to reverse the insulin resistance, lose an appropriate amount of weight and I saw the return of my period and regular cycle, without the need for prescription medication.

Larissa was able to provide me with tremendous support with my subsequent diagnosis of endometriosis and throughout the IVF process as well as all 3 trimesters of my pregnancy. I have been able to maintain my weight, healthy diet and lifestyle changes throughout this time with ease.

I have found Larissa to be a wonderful mentor as well as providing me with appropriate, well-researched and manageable advice throughout my journey with infertility. She has provided me with a compassionate and supportive voice through times of tremendous stress and uncertainty.

She was able to work with Medical Professionals to provide safe and complementary care to deal with the causes and treatments for my infertility. I cannot thank her enough.”

Carla, Kareela

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