Tag Archives: exercise

Winter is now over. Most of us felt the gravitational pull over the cooler, shorter and more overcast days to hibernate on the lounge with a warm hearty meal. Spring has sprung. And in turn with it a revitalisation of new energy. This is the time to feel inspired to resume exercise, eat fresh healthy […]

The mix of cold temperatures and first half-of-the year momentum drives your defenses to their limits. This is the opportunistic time a cold or flu usually strikes. Can’t tell the difference whether you have a cold or the flu? Examine your symptoms. The common cold and seasonal flu are both respiratory illnesses, but different viruses […]

If you want to be stronger and fitter your body demands the correct nutrition to refuel post working out, thus enhancing recovery. The optimum time for re-fuelling post exercise is within 30 minutes. Post exercise nutrition goals include: Changing the body from a catabolic state (breaking down) to an anabolic state (building up) i.e. repairing […]